Sandwich Benevolent Fair Stand


                                  Phone:  815-786-6946 (fair time only)
                                 President:  Edwina Vincent  
                                  Secretary:  Denise Curran  
                                   Treasurer:  Pete Sprosty  





                   The Fair Stand is a food stand run by the Parishioners
                       of St. Paul during the Sandwich (DeKalb County)
                   Fair since 1959.  We open on Labor Day.  The proceeds
                    go into the Father Thomas Kane Memorial Scholarship
                        Fund and also benefit our parish youth.  The Fair
                      Stand Board is made up of eleven people from St.
                            Paul's Parish.  In addition to the President,
                         Secretary and Treasurer, the board also consists of: 
                              David Vincent, Dennis Wetterich,        
                                        Kathy Beltran, Rick Pellegrini,
                             Jenn and Carl Key, Mark and Maria Oropeza
                                        Susie Hughes and Geri Henry

    Mass at the Fairgrounds
                            Each year we hold a Mass on Sunday morning
                              at the AgLand Stage, near our building on
                          the fair grounds.  Mass starts at 6:30 AM for all
                               who are on the grounds and all who care
                              to come out to this unique outdoor setting. 
                                Tractors pass by and roosters crow and
                            sometimes we are "blessed" with a cleansing
                               shower, but we are there, rain or shine!